The aim of the new Natural History Group is for interested amateurs to liaise with Royal Parks staff in their professional activities, especially promoting re-wilding, and nature restoration in Regent’s Park and Primrose Hill.

The group has regular evening meetings in the Park office’s Meeting Room, and areas of interest are the plants, birds, animals and insects, including moths and butterflies, that may be found in our Parks. In February, Linda Seward of the British Mycological Society spoke about “Fungi in the Park”. 

There will also be practical activities to plant 150 Blackthorn saplings which will provide sites for birds’ nesting, hopefully eventually nightingales, and egg-laying by, for example, brown hairstreak butterflies.

All Friends are welcome to join this group, especially for tree planting, which will be co-ordinated by Prof. Kennedy Cruickshank. To be notified about further meetings and activities of this group, please register your interest below, or email [email protected].

Natural History Group

Friends Of Regent's Park And Primrose Hill is a registered charity in England and Wales (no. 1201666) . Address: Royal Parks Agency, The Storeyard, Inner Circle, Regents Park, London, NW1 4NR
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